On Tuesday, 18th July, at the picturesque location of ‘La Tenuta de l’Annunziata’ in Uggiate-Trevano, in the province of Como, more than 50 employees of the Mendrisio plant concluded the training course entitled ‘Internal Management of Communication, Relationships and Conflict’. The event was organised in cooperation with the trainer and consultant Laura Arman Varvelli, involving employees of the Customer Service & Operation Department.
During the day, a series of team-building activities were carried out and the participants, divided into eight groups, have been engaged in various socialisation exercises, with the aim of stimulating their imagination and creativity.
The training course, based on dialogue and listening, allowed employees to discuss and collaborate towards a single goal, the one of improving interpersonal interactions in the various work activities.
Michele Perini, Head of HR, explains: “The main starting point and strength of our corporate team is our people, and, for this reason, the objective of the training courses organised by Riri is to get our employees to work together, through interactive and dynamic projects capable of bringing added value to everyday life”.