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Salary equality survey: Riri passes the test with full marks

22 September 2021

Following the update of article 13 c (1) of the Federal Law on gender equality (LPar), all companies in Tessin have been asked to conduct an official survey regarding the salary conditions of male and female employees.The results of this survey have been extremely positive for Riri, which has been found to be in the group of companies where there is no gender disparity whatsoever in terms of salary treatment.

“This achievement – says Andrea Moretta, Chief Financial Officer of the Riri Group – is extremely rewarding for us, being part of a wider growth project for our Group, which has believed and been operating for years now to achieve full and real environmental and social sustainability, as guarantee of an absolute excellence level of which our brand is a universally recognised standard bearer”.

Thanks to the excellent result achieved, Riri has been entered in the ‘White List’ of Respect 8-3.CH, a project organised by the Travail.Suisse trade union, with the objective of fighting against discrimination, rewarding those companies that stand out in terms of commitment to achieving salary equality: https://www.respect8-3.ch/it/lista-bianca/
One of their webpages reads: “The companies entered in the white list set a good example, being set to become a driver for change”…. And Riri is proud to be part of this!

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